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Acoustic Heterodyne Device and Method (Ultrasound. Ventriloquist Effect.) US5889870

Apparatus and Method For Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves (RF Electromagnetic Waves) US3951134

Apparatus and Method Of Broadcasting Audible Sound Using Ultrasonic Sound As A Carrier (Ultrasound) US patent 6,052,336

Apparatus For Audibly Communicating Speech Using The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing) US patent no 6587729

Apparatus For Inducing Frequency Reduction In Brain Wave (FFR - Brain Frequencies Transmission) US4834701

Apparatus For Producing Visual and Auditory Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via TV) US3278676

Apparatus For Producing Visual Stimulation (Subconscious Transmission via Movie Film) US3060795

Auditory Subliminal Message System and Method (Subliminal Brainwash via Music or Other Sound) US4395600

Auditory Subliminal Programming System (Silent Brainwash Via Music or Other Sound) S4777529

Communication System and Method Including Brain Wave Analysis and or Use of Brain Activity Remote Viewing US patent no 6011991

Deep brain magnetic stimulator US9682248

Hearing Device (Microwave Hearing) US4858612

Hearing System (Microwave Hearing via open air Broadcast) US4877027

Hearing Systems (RF Microwave) US3629521

Hypnotic Inducer (Mind Control Machine) US3014477

Method and Apparatus For Improving Neural Performance In Human Subjects By Electrotherapy US3563246

Method and device For Implementing The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect (Microwave Hearing) US6470214

Method and System For Warning Birds Of Hazards (Microwave Hearing) US5774088

Method Of and Apparatus For Inducing Desired States Of Consciousness (FFR  EEG Waveforms By Broadcast) US5356368

Method Of and Apparatus For Producing Swept Frequency Modulated Audio Signal Patterns For Inducing Sleep (Brain Frequencies Broadcast) US3712292

Method Of Changing A Person’s Behavior (Subconscious Brainwash via Video) US4717343

method of inducing & maintaining various stages of sleep in a human being US patent no 3884218

Methods, apparatus, and systems for magnetic stimulation US9295853

Mind control with EMP

Nervous System Excitation Device US3393279

Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors US6506148

Neuromodulation of deep-brain targets by transcranial magnetic stimulation enhanced by transcranial direct current stimulation WO2011123548A2

Silent Subliminal Presentation System aka Silent Sound - Microwave US patent no 5159703

Silent Sound Mind Control Explained

Transcranial magnetic stimulation system and methods US7976451

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